Christine Churchill
Jim Gilbert
Mike Churchill
Christine Churchill
Christine Churchill, the President of KeyRelevance, is a recognized expert in the field of Search Engine Marketing. She is a strong advocate for ethical search engine marketing, and was a member of the founding Board of Directors of the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO).
Christine served on the Board of Directors of the Dallas-Fort Worth Search Engine Marketing Association for ten years and currently serves as an Ambassador for the organization. Ms. Churchill holds a Masters Degree in Business and has over 15 years online marketing experience.
Christine is a regular speaker at Search Marketing Expo, Search Engine Strategies, Webmaster World Publishers Conference, High Rankings Seminars, Internet World, and other Internet conferences. In addition, she has written widely on search engine marketing for publications including SearchEngineLand, Search Engine Watch, MarketPosition, Workz, SitePoint, SearchEngineGuide, and NetMechanic, and has taught SEO classes through the Direct Marketing Association and International Association of Webmasters. Christine is also a trainer for the SMX Bootcamp sessions and Search Engine Strategies for their 4 hour Keyword Research and Paid Search Training classes.
Prior to founding KeyRelevance, Christine was the Director of Web Development at NetMechanic. In this role she was the subject matter expert for NetMechanic's Search Engine Power Pack and HTML Toolbox, the best-selling toolkit used by many search engine optimizers.
As the Search Engine Optimizer for the NetMechanic site, Christine consistently doubled search engine traffic to the site every 6-9 months. As Editor of the NetMechanic Webmaster Tips Newsletter, Christine increased the subscriber base from 20,000 to 100,000 happy subscribers.
In addition to running, Christine is the Search Engine Friendly Design and Usability Moderator and the Pay Per Click Moderator on the High Rankings Forum. Read Christine's interview. You may also view the recent SEO Roadshow interview video of Christine Churchill of Key Relevance or see a sample training session by Christine in the Key Relevance video.

Jim Gilbert
Jim Gilbert is the Vice President of KeyRelevance. He is a Google Certified PPC Professional. His background in mathematics and statistics make him an excellent choice for conversion analysis reporting so vital in running a profitable pay per click campaign.
Jim has performed search engine optimization since the inception of public access Internet (the World Wide Web) in the early 90s. Before his involvement with the Internet, Jim spent twelve years providing analysis support in statistics, simulation and numerical analysis for several large companies including Sabre and EDS.
Jim has been involved in many analytical research studies of search and pay-per-click engines, privately authored numerous articles and published studies. Jim is also the co-founder of the Dallas / Ft Worth Search Engine Marketing Association (DFWSEM) – the DFW group of North Texas search professionals educating local business communities about Search Engine Marketing and Internet advertising.

Mike Churchill
Mike Churchill is the Chief Technical Officer at KeyRelevance. He has over 20 years experience programming in a variety of languages, platforms, and environments. Mike was one of the founders of NetMechanic and served as the Chief Technical Officer from founding until acquisition. He has an extensive background in writing commercial software that spider and index web pages, and is intimately familiar with the issues search engine spiders face in crawling web sites.
While with NetMechanic, Mike led the development of their search engine marketing offering: Search Engine Power Pack. He researched and developed search engine submission tools, automated site rank tracking tools, web site spider algorithms, and web site health analysis tools. At KeyRelevance, Mike's main focus area is web analytics, conversion tracking and enhancement. Mike is an unusual blend of technical know-how and marketing savvy. Mike is the programming genius behind many of the proprietary tools we use in-house and custom software or scripts we create for clients.
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